- The team had devotion on the book of Jonah, the runaway witness
- The team prepared for the English Christmas party together, practising the song Indescribable - we struggled a lot with which song to sing and singing together with the piano - it was quite tense especially because everyone was tired
- Tracy and Shirley had dinner together with Mr 'and Mrs Kobayashi, a lovely cute couple. Please pray for Mr Kobayashi who came to church with his wife for a few months but has withdrawn because of uncertainty whether Christianity is for him. Praise God for Mrs Kobayashi who after 10 years of bible study with Jehovah's Witness, came to know the truth about Christ in the bible. She said that she felt it was weird that they never did bible study beyond parts of the bible and apparently the Japanese translation was really bad.
- The team did a devotion together on Abraham, the faithful witness. Praise God for his example in his willingness to go wherever God wanted him to go - even when he didn:t know where it would be, and he took his family and packed everything and went, trusting God -
- English Christmas Party: praise God for the 30 adults there and 15 children who came. We played a couple of games, sang Indescribable and Cerise did her testimony. Praise God that God allowed the team to meet many of the students of the English classes that the church holds during the week and please pray that as they study the bible they will see that it isn't just words but they see God's glory through His word
- The team went to their respective homestays and we were greeted with lovely dinners :) Tracy and Shirley had Okonomiyaki and the Hirose family invited many friends over!
- The team attended the Omagari Worship Service and praise God for Hirano-san who attended church for the first time! Many kids came too. The message was on John 3 about Nicodemus and how you can only go to heaven if you are born again in the Spirit and getting to know Jesus. Saeko-san delivered the message and she used the illustration of a man who had a headache and decided to see a famous doctor about it. While sitting in his waiting room, he talked to other patients and tried out a lot of self help methods to try and ease his headache himself and the man left before he got his name called. Shortly after he left, the nurse called his name. Saeko-san explained that sometimes we are like that too, we fail to fully trust God and place everything into His hands and we just try to do things our own way to try and help ourselves - relying on our actions instead of God's grace.
- Pray that God may be raising up leaders from the church, especially godly men who submit to God's will in their lives. Pray that churches will invest resources in training their members to teach the bible faithfully and truthfully to others, and to learn to pass the gospel to their friends and the next generation.
- Pray for the bible colleges here. We met Matsumi's sister Hiromi who goes to bible college here in Hokkaido where she studies the bible. Pray for more students to go to these institutions where they learn to study the bible and teach it to others. Also pray that they may provide courses for laypeople in churches to be trained, whether it be by conferences or by correspondence courses.
- The church surprised Shirley with birthday cakes and a card at church lunch - she is so thankful and grateful!
- Grace, Carson, Tracy and Shirley then left to go to Mrs Kano's house with Susan. Praise God for Mrs Kano's generosity in providing newly renovated vacant house for the missionaries to live in during mission and for the hospitality and provision of the Hiraoka church members who lent us stuff to use in the house!
- Our host families took us around on our day off
- Shirley will blog about her 20th birthday at her blog - :) IT WAS SO AWESOME!!! THANK YOU GOD! and thank you for all your birthday wishes even when I'm here!!
- We had a team devotion on Jesus - the perfect witness, Praise God for giving us a servant king who understands how we feel and who intercedes for us forever.
- We spent the rest of the day preparing for the Australian Christmas Culture night on Saturday. Please pray that many people will come and hear the message with open hearts!
- Please pray for humility and unity as a team as we prepare. It is so hectic and stressful and it is becoming so hard sometimes to stay positive, non-complaining, flexible and patient with each other. Please pray that we can help remember that we are here to serve GOD first and hence serving others, and not be served, that we be content and joyful in everything God has provided. Please pray for energy and focus on God too!
thanks guys! :D - this blog is really stripped down and Shirley will blog in more detail on her blog. Thanks!!