Monday, December 6, 2010

Beginning of Mission!!! WOOHOO!!!

It has already been a week in Japan and although we've all arrived a bit earlier than when mission officially began, the days went by really quickly and before we knew it, orientation of mission hit us like a bomb! Since people from Omagari team has already blogged about the orientation, we shall proceed to talk about the exciting stuff that's been happening at FMZero! So, here goes!

Last Wednesday night, we went to an English group that is held at the Sapporo International Church! There, we met some students who were very keen to learn English! We started off the night by playing a game, organised by Sarah Piper, together. It was very interesting because we were split into three different groups and each group had to find out as much about Sam, Ada and myself in 6 minutes! Then each group was questioned in turn and for every answer that they could give, the team earned a point! It was very funny, because some people asked some really obscure questions, like: who does Clare want to marry? (Like...what the....)
Then, we split off into different groups and studied the Bible together. I was very encouraged by the girls in the group that I was in, especially by a girl called Mutsumi who is not a Christian but has been going to church for a few weeks. She asked whether we have experienced God's miracles in our lives...and from her perspective, God's miracle is God's guidance to us, which was a great reminder to me that as God guides and leads us in our lives, that's a miracle in itself! And she shared about her own experiences as well and how she has been praying to God sometimes... I was just so amazed that this was coming from a non-Christian! And never have I imagined that the first night going to this English class would bring such encouragement to me! God is truly amazing!

Besides the English class at Sapporo International Church, we also went to a Christmas concert on Friday night. It was very interesting because it incorporated very youthful style of music with a live band playing, as well as a choir performing in the latter session. Also, there was a person praising God and taught everyone how to sing to God through sign language! Just so awesome to be able to praise God in that way with your brothers and sisters in Christ =) Even though the sermon was in Japanese, it gave us an opportunity to talk to the students who went and asked them what it was all about!

Also, we went to the service at the Sapporo International Church on Sunday! We were just so encouraged by how people from different nations can come together and praise God together! And it was really awesome to hear what God has been doing in all these other countries and it was just amazing to see the heart that God has given to these people for Christ!!!!

Tonight, we'll be going with Sarah to an English club at Hokudai! Can't wait to see what God has planned for us and who He'll bring along our paths!

And it would be awesome if all you who are reading our blog to keep praying for us:
* Praise God for the people we've met, that He'll continue to just work in their lives and bring them to Him
* Pray for tomorrow night, as we are holding an Australian evangelistic! Pray that things will go smoothly and many will come! Pray also that God will speak through Sarah and her talk to the students!
* Pray that Sam, Ada and myself will continue to seek to love, serve and care for one another as God has put us in this mission together! Pray that we'll work well together!
* Pray that we'll keep relying on God no matter what happens! That we will keep trusting in Him and all His plans and His ways! Remembering also faithfulness first, success second!

Hmm...that's all for now I think....

Oh and it's Ada's birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ADA!!! Hehe Praise God that Sam and my subtle ways worked and she was surprised!!!! =)

1 comment:


    thanks for encouraging us all with this post, Clare :)

    we miss you guys :( but we are one in Christ, serving the same Lord and of the same family :)
