Cerise has already left for Japan today, praying that she got there safely :)
It feels quite surreal that we're going so soon, but also so eye-opening and comforting to be taught by God during this time leading up to it.
We thank you guys so much for supporting us and praying for us at home and in your churches and please continue to pray for the Lord's harvest in Japan & for more workers to be sent!
I thank God especially for the prayerful brothers and sisters and gospel partners He's blessed me with, people who offer to pray for and support us, even people whom I don't normally talk to at church. In the past couple of weeks, FCG (our uni bible study group), our whole evening congregation and Extreme (our youth group) prayed for us and as Nat says, the unity of the church was so encouraging and I am so blessed to be missionary partners with you guys! Thanks also to my lovely youth for the plane letters and your prayers. :)
Today I got time to catch up with a few of my closest friends before I go - Alli, Nat, Nicole + Danny - and really thanking God for the things He's taught me through you guys, whether it be humility and teachability, kindness and honesty, loving others with Christ-like love or learning how to serve others in creative and awesome ways.. and to my family too, thanks for loving me patiently despite how fail I am, equipping me (thanks for the English toJapanese dictionary =P) (and for telling me about your own mission experiences, the spiritual attacks we'll face and Nicole, for keeping me accountable!
With my final exam on Saturday hours before we fly, I do feel sort of nervous but I know that everything is in His control and that He's provided so much and so many people to help me :) A massive thanks to John, Kevin and all the girls I study law with for your love and care and diligence :)
Prepping progress: 30%
Study progress: 10%- blessing us with this opportunity to almost finish final preparations and being able to serve Him in Japan
- His providence in blessing us with aids and people around us to encourage us, and for His material provision in helping us to go
- the conflict in North + South Korea (which I heard may get Japan involved..)
- the conflict between the Chinese and the Japanese that has been going on for quite a while this year to be resolved
- health as the weather will change from extremely hot temperatures in Sydney to snowy Japan
- for prayerfully dependent and humble hearts as we go and that we can be open to being taught by God while we are there
- for servant hearts that focus not on the work but on the Master who has sent us out, that we can trust in Him and look to His love to show us how to love the lost, loving the churches there and loving the team - that we can be united in Christ :)
Thanks!! :D
awesome stuff...shirley! I was also really encouraged after praying with the others at my church too. All the best with the exam!! :)